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Murray Salisbury

Murray Salisbury

M.A. (1984) The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Post-graduate Diploma in Arts (1979) The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
B.A. (1978) The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Murray has taught advanced Biblical Hebrew topics, especially Biblical poetry, several times each year since 1991 – at seven prestigious institutions around the world, including the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Handong Global University in South Korea (for 12 years), the Moscow State University, and Uppsala University.
As a qualified translation consultant with SIL International since 1993, he has led 150 translation workshops in diverse settings, most of which focused on poetic books of the Bible. 
He belongs to SIL’s elite “Global Consultant Pool” and has consultant-checked drafted translations in a dozen languages around the world, including three national languages, improving their accuracy before approving them for publication.
He has been a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1985. 

From 1987-1995, he lived with his wife and three children in Israel. Along with five grandchildren, they all now live in southern England.

“Hebrew Proverbs and how to translate them” In Robert D. Bergen (ed.), Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas: SIL International. 1994, pp.374- 414.

“A recommended reading program for developing the skills needed in Old Testament translation.” Notes on Translation 11.4 (1997), pp.32–45.

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