Salutation First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Preferred Name Gender Date of Birth Email Address Phone City State Country Which School of Hebrew Course are you interested in? Which School of the Bible Course/s are you interested in? Is English your first / strongest language? What is your first / strongest language? Are you proficient in English (Spoken, Written & Read)? Referrer’s First Name Referrer’s Last Name Referrer’s relationship to you Referrer’s Email Please attach a letter of recommendation from your reference person Would this training be beneficial for your ministry? Please list the ministry name Please list your role within the ministry My personal testimonial Name of current congregation / fellowship where you are either a member or are in current attendance. Which denomination or movement is the congregation / fellowship associated with? How long have you been attending? Which congregation / fellowship did you previously attend? Are you a licensed minister? Are you ordained? Entry creation date
Miss Sofia Becker Female December 23, 1994 6056107460 Lynchburg United States of America Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East Yes Aaron Yeager Pastor No Our Savior Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Missouri Synod < 1 year No August 24, 2023 at 15:30
Ms Sandra Jean Newman Sandra Female May 19, 1947 9728962266 Cedar Hill TX United States of America Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context Yes Steven Jaslow Rabbi /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Rabbi_Reference4Newman_JS.pdf Yes Bat Zion Messianic Congregation_Intro to Biblical Hebrew Facilitator/Teacher /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Newman-Testimonial-for-JS_Fall23.pdf Bat Zion Messianic Congregation, Duncanville TX Messianic Please select No August 29, 2023 at 22:10
Miss Eyerusalem Gebre Fanta Eyerusalem Female April 16, 1998 +251943878485 Addis Ababa Addis Ababa Ethiopia Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 2) No Amharic Yes Zetseat Fekadu Teacher and Colleague /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Recommendation-Pdf.pdf Yes Harvest Mission Ethiopia Ministry Hebrew trainer, Bible Translator and consultant /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Personal-testimony.docx Addis Baptist church Reformed Baptist 1 – 2 years No August 31, 2023 at 09:18
Please select Woody TESTING!! McLendon Male January 1, 1923 +17045642390 Jerusalem Israel Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua Yes Ariel Rudolph Friend /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TestingPDF.pdf Yes Jerusalem Seminary Chief Bottle Washer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Testing2PDF.pdf Transformation Church Independent > 10 years No August 31, 2023 at 10:18
Ms Jacques FONGNI AWESSIN Male March 5, 1993 +22997541088 Abomey-Calavi Benin Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) No Français Yes Dodji Privas GOSSA Ami- Coach /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Jacques-FONGNI-AWESSIN.pdf Yes ORANEX Formateur en traduction orale de la Bible et Render /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-personnel-Jacques-FONGNI-AWESSIN.pdf Église Baptiste de Calavi-Kpota Union des églises Baptistes du Bénin Please select Yes Yes September 4, 2023 at 23:23
Pastor Wilfrid Semevo AGBEHOUNKPAN Wilfrid Male January 1, 1989 0022995619371 Cotonou Cotonou Benin Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) No Franch No Privas Dodji GOSSA Formateur /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/lettre-de-cemmandation.pdf Yes ORALTY NEXUS Exegete of the oral translation of the Bible /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Mon-temoigne-personnel-Wilfrid.pdf Église baptiste du Bénin CAEEB ( Confédération et Associations des Églises Évangéliques du Bénin > 10 years No September 8, 2023 at 14:50
Mrs Carole Fifamè ZOUNON Zocaf Fifamè Female May 18, 1996 +22961858769 Cotonou Littoral Benin Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) No Français Yes Privas GOSSA Mentor /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-Carole.docx Yes ORALITY NEXUX Oral Strategy Trainer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-Carole1.docx Revival church of Africa temple of Akpakpa Revival church of Africa > 10 years No September 8, 2023 at 20:23
Mr Claude ADJOMADOGBO Claude Male January 1, 1991 0022961758993 Cotonou Cotonou Benin Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) No Français Yes Privas Dodji GOSSA Formateur /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Claude-ADJOMADOGBO1.docx Yes ORALTY NEXUS Oral strategy trainer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-personnel-Claude-ADJOMADOGBO.docx Église baptiste du Bénin CAEEB ( Confédération et Associations des Églises Évangéliques du Bénin > 10 years No September 14, 2023 at 09:31
Mr Laurent GOSSA Cerveau Laurent Male August 8, 1991 +22966943515 Bohicon Zou Benin Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) No Français Yes Privas GOSSA Coach /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Laurent.docx Yes ORALITY NEXUX Oral Strategy Trainer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Laurent-1.docx Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Bénin Temple Eben-Ezer de Honmého Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Bénin > 10 years No September 14, 2023 at 17:57
Mr Jens-Uwe Scheller Male February 28, 1967 +4939334592601 Genthin Sachsen-Anhalt Germany Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 3) No German No Thomas Nestelberger Head of Congregation Maranatha Genthin /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/20230914-application-for-scholarship-of-Jens-Uwe-Scheller.pdf Yes pastoral care I am trained in pastoral care /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/20230914-Antrag-Stipendium-Hebraisch-3.pdf Congregation Maranatha Genthin none 3 – 5 years No September 15, 2023 at 00:13
Miss Stephanie Carnes Female April 16, 1984 16085146434 Boise Idaho United States of America Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua Yes Bill Pubols Instructor & Friend /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Stephanie-Carnes-Reference-for-Jerusalem-Seminary-9-8-23.pdf No /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Stephanie-Carnes-Testimonial-1.pdf Rockharbor Church Non-denominational < 1 year Eagle Christian Church No September 21, 2023 at 05:30
Pastor Evans Oppong Antiedu E.O.A. Elishama Pagiel Male February 20, 1996 +233554342716 Accra Greater Accra Ghana Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context, Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua Yes Godbless Sarpong A follower in ministry /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TESTIMONIAL-OF-PROPHET-EVANS.docx Yes Rabbinic Echoes Ministry Founder and General Overseer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/APPLICATION-FOR-SCHOLARSHIP-IN-YOUR-SEMINARY-1.docx Wesley Methodist Cathedral Orthodox > 10 years No September 22, 2023 at 07:08
Pastor Evans Oppong Antiedu E.O.A. Elishama Pagiel Male February 2, 1996 +233554342716 Accra Greater Accra Ghana Life and Land of Yeshua Yes Godbless Sarpong A follower in ministry /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TESTIMONIAL-OF-PROPHET-EVANS-1.docx Yes Rabbinic Echoes Ministry Founder and General Overseer /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/APPLICATION-FOR-SCHOLARSHIP-IN-YOUR-SEMINARY-1-1.docx Wesley Methodist Cathedral Orthodox Christianity > 10 years No September 22, 2023 at 23:31
Dr Jaswanth Gangolu Male August 29, 1993 +972555562544 Haifa Haifa Israel Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Yes Guravaiah Pulumela Mentor /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Letter-of-Recommendation.pdf Yes Ministry among believers of the church and youth Preaching, encouraging youth /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Personal-Testimony.pdf Bethesda Congregation, Haifa, Israel Brethren < 1 year Holynation Christian Assembly, Peddapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India No September 25, 2023 at 20:51
Pastor Jonathan Wriston Jonathan Male January 23, 1996 3343896805 Milton FL United States of America Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context, Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua Yes Eric Tokajer Rabbi /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/SKM_C36823092611470.pdf Yes Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue Assistant Congregational Leader /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/JS-scholarship-testimonial-edited.pdf Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue Messianic Jewish Alliance of America 3 – 5 years Yes No October 4, 2023 at 22:09
Mr Christian Hartmann Male September 29, 1953 +393703443312 Terlan Bozen Italy Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 2) No German Yes Markus Wagner Collegue /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Application-for-Christian-Hartmann.pdf Yes Kontaktmission Missionary /wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Hebraischkurs-Jerusalem.pdf FCG Meran Free Church > 10 years Yes Yes October 7, 2023 at 10:49

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