Miss |
Sofia |
Becker |
Female |
December 23, 1994 |
sofiabecker.94@outlook.com |
6056107460 |
Lynchburg |
United States of America |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East |
Yes |
Aaron |
Yeager |
Pastor |
pastor@oursaviorlynchburg.org |
No |
Our Savior Lutheran Church |
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod |
< 1 year |
No |
August 24, 2023 at 15:30 |
Ms |
Sandra |
Jean |
Newman |
Sandra |
Female |
May 19, 1947 |
shear_new@icloud.com |
9728962266 |
Cedar Hill |
TX |
United States of America |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context |
Yes |
Steven |
Jaslow |
Rabbi |
sjaslow@sbcglobal.net |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Rabbi_Reference4Newman_JS.pdf |
Yes |
Bat Zion Messianic Congregation_Intro to Biblical Hebrew |
Facilitator/Teacher |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Newman-Testimonial-for-JS_Fall23.pdf |
Bat Zion Messianic Congregation, Duncanville TX |
Messianic |
Please select |
No |
August 29, 2023 at 22:10 |
Miss |
Eyerusalem |
Gebre |
Fanta |
Eyerusalem |
Female |
April 16, 1998 |
eyerus7g@gmail.com |
+251943878485 |
Addis Ababa |
Addis Ababa |
Ethiopia |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 2) |
No |
Amharic |
Yes |
Zetseat |
Fekadu |
Teacher and Colleague |
zetseatfekadu@hmethiopia.org |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Recommendation-Pdf.pdf |
Yes |
Harvest Mission Ethiopia Ministry |
Hebrew trainer, Bible Translator and consultant |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Personal-testimony.docx |
Addis Baptist church |
Reformed Baptist |
1 – 2 years |
No |
August 31, 2023 at 09:18 |
Please select |
Woody |
McLendon |
Male |
January 1, 1923 |
wmclendon@jerusalemseminary.org |
+17045642390 |
Jerusalem |
Israel |
Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua |
Yes |
Ariel |
Rudolph |
Friend |
operations@jerusalemseminary.org |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TestingPDF.pdf |
Yes |
Jerusalem Seminary |
Chief Bottle Washer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Testing2PDF.pdf |
Transformation Church |
Independent |
> 10 years |
No |
August 31, 2023 at 10:18 |
Ms |
Jacques |
Male |
March 5, 1993 |
fongnijacques@gmail.com |
+22997541088 |
Abomey-Calavi |
Benin |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
No |
Français |
Yes |
Dodji Privas |
Ami- Coach |
dodjidorianne@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Jacques-FONGNI-AWESSIN.pdf |
Yes |
Formateur en traduction orale de la Bible et Render |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-personnel-Jacques-FONGNI-AWESSIN.pdf |
Église Baptiste de Calavi-Kpota |
Union des églises Baptistes du Bénin |
Please select |
Yes |
Yes |
September 4, 2023 at 23:23 |
Pastor |
Wilfrid |
Semevo |
Wilfrid |
Male |
January 1, 1989 |
agbewilfrid1@gmail.com |
0022995619371 |
Cotonou |
Cotonou |
Benin |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
No |
Franch |
No |
Privas Dodji |
Formateur |
dodjidoriane@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/lettre-de-cemmandation.pdf |
Yes |
Exegete of the oral translation of the Bible |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Mon-temoigne-personnel-Wilfrid.pdf |
Église baptiste du Bénin |
CAEEB ( Confédération et Associations des Églises Évangéliques du Bénin |
> 10 years |
No |
September 8, 2023 at 14:50 |
Mrs |
Carole |
Fifamè |
Zocaf |
Fifamè |
Female |
May 18, 1996 |
zounon52@gmail.com |
+22961858769 |
Cotonou |
Littoral |
Benin |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
No |
Français |
Yes |
Privas |
Mentor |
dodjidoriane@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-Carole.docx |
Yes |
Oral Strategy Trainer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-Carole1.docx |
Revival church of Africa temple of Akpakpa |
Revival church of Africa |
> 10 years |
No |
September 8, 2023 at 20:23 |
Mr |
Claude |
Claude |
Male |
January 1, 1991 |
adjomadogboclaude@gmail.com |
0022961758993 |
Cotonou |
Cotonou |
Benin |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
No |
Français |
Yes |
Privas Dodji |
Formateur |
dodjidoriane@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Claude-ADJOMADOGBO1.docx |
Yes |
Oral strategy trainer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Temoignage-personnel-Claude-ADJOMADOGBO.docx |
Église baptiste du Bénin |
CAEEB ( Confédération et Associations des Églises Évangéliques du Bénin |
> 10 years |
No |
September 14, 2023 at 09:31 |
Mr |
Laurent |
Cerveau |
Laurent |
Male |
August 8, 1991 |
laurentgossa06@gmail.com |
+22966943515 |
Bohicon |
Zou |
Benin |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
No |
Français |
Yes |
Privas |
Coach |
dodjidoriane@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Laurent.docx |
Yes |
Oral Strategy Trainer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Lettre-de-recommandation-Laurent-1.docx |
Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Bénin Temple Eben-Ezer de Honmého |
Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Bénin |
> 10 years |
No |
September 14, 2023 at 17:57 |
Mr |
Jens-Uwe |
Scheller |
Male |
February 28, 1967 |
jensuwe.scheller@web.de |
+4939334592601 |
Genthin |
Sachsen-Anhalt |
Germany |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 3) |
No |
German |
No |
Thomas |
Nestelberger |
Head of Congregation Maranatha Genthin |
thomas@der-leib-christi.de |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/20230914-application-for-scholarship-of-Jens-Uwe-Scheller.pdf |
Yes |
pastoral care |
I am trained in pastoral care |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/20230914-Antrag-Stipendium-Hebraisch-3.pdf |
Congregation Maranatha Genthin |
none |
3 – 5 years |
No |
September 15, 2023 at 00:13 |
Miss |
Stephanie |
Carnes |
Female |
April 16, 1984 |
sncarnes@gmail.com |
16085146434 |
Boise |
Idaho |
United States of America |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua |
Yes |
Bill |
Pubols |
Instructor & Friend |
bill.pubols@boisebsc.org |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Stephanie-Carnes-Reference-for-Jerusalem-Seminary-9-8-23.pdf |
No |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Stephanie-Carnes-Testimonial-1.pdf |
Rockharbor Church |
Non-denominational |
< 1 year |
Eagle Christian Church |
No |
September 21, 2023 at 05:30 |
Pastor |
Evans |
Oppong |
Antiedu |
E.O.A. |
Elishama Pagiel |
Male |
February 20, 1996 |
elishamapagiel@gmail.com |
+233554342716 |
Accra |
Greater Accra |
Ghana |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context, Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua |
Yes |
Godbless |
Sarpong |
A follower in ministry |
ariellesarpong777@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TESTIMONIAL-OF-PROPHET-EVANS.docx |
Yes |
Rabbinic Echoes Ministry |
Founder and General Overseer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/APPLICATION-FOR-SCHOLARSHIP-IN-YOUR-SEMINARY-1.docx |
Wesley Methodist Cathedral |
Orthodox |
> 10 years |
No |
September 22, 2023 at 07:08 |
Pastor |
Evans |
Oppong |
Antiedu |
E.O.A. |
Elishama Pagiel |
Male |
February 2, 1996 |
elishamapagiel@gmail.com |
+233554342716 |
Accra |
Greater Accra |
Ghana |
Life and Land of Yeshua |
Yes |
Godbless |
Sarpong |
A follower in ministry |
aeriellesarpong777@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/TESTIMONIAL-OF-PROPHET-EVANS-1.docx |
Yes |
Rabbinic Echoes Ministry |
Founder and General Overseer |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/APPLICATION-FOR-SCHOLARSHIP-IN-YOUR-SEMINARY-1-1.docx |
Wesley Methodist Cathedral |
Orthodox Christianity |
> 10 years |
No |
September 22, 2023 at 23:31 |
Dr |
Jaswanth |
Gangolu |
Male |
August 29, 1993 |
jaswanthgangolu@gmail.com |
+972555562544 |
Haifa |
Haifa |
Israel |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Yes |
Guravaiah |
Pulumela |
Mentor |
pguru77@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Letter-of-Recommendation.pdf |
Yes |
Ministry among believers of the church and youth |
Preaching, encouraging youth |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Personal-Testimony.pdf |
Bethesda Congregation, Haifa, Israel |
Brethren |
< 1 year |
Holynation Christian Assembly, Peddapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India |
No |
September 25, 2023 at 20:51 |
Pastor |
Jonathan |
Wriston |
Jonathan |
Male |
January 23, 1996 |
jonathan.wriston@britahm.org |
3343896805 |
Milton |
FL |
United States of America |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) |
Early Christian Worship in its Jewish Context, Faith, Politics, and Ministry in the Middle East, Life and Land of Yeshua |
Yes |
Eric |
Tokajer |
Rabbi |
raveric@britahm.org |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/SKM_C36823092611470.pdf |
Yes |
Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue |
Assistant Congregational Leader |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/JS-scholarship-testimonial-edited.pdf |
Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue |
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America |
3 – 5 years |
Yes |
No |
October 4, 2023 at 22:09 |
Mr |
Christian |
Hartmann |
Male |
September 29, 1953 |
christian.andrea@rolmail.net |
+393703443312 |
Terlan |
Bozen |
Italy |
Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 2) |
No |
German |
Yes |
Markus |
Wagner |
Collegue |
release2train@gmail.com |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Application-for-Christian-Hartmann.pdf |
Yes |
Kontaktmission |
Missionary |
/wp-content/uploads/formidable/36/Hebraischkurs-Jerusalem.pdf |
FCG Meran |
Free Church |
> 10 years |
Yes |
Yes |
October 7, 2023 at 10:49 |