Israel Matters: A Theology of People and Land Fall 2022

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Philip Barth
Posted 1 year ago
Foundational Understanding of God's Purposes for Israel and the Church

This is a balanced and foundational presentation of God's Kingdom purposes as revealed in his dealings with both Israel and the Church. It is rooted in a rigorous reevaluation of the Biblical witness to both, and does not submit to pre-established doctrinal positions such as dispensationalism and/or supersessionism. It also looks at the historical development and shortfalls of these positions.

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Ofer Amitai
Posted 2 years ago
Take this course

I found the ‘Israel Matters’ course very valuable. Arguing against a supersessionist interpretation of the Bible, Dr. McDermott put forth a wealth of evidence, biblically and theologically, against the supersessionist view. Further, the survey of Church History helped round out the argument, and the review of current thinking and development in post-supersessionist scholarship was encouraging and

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Kristie Estep
Posted 2 years ago
Knowing Israel matters

I am not pursuing a theology degree, so this class provided a great biblical history of Israel and the church. The scriptural and scholarly references given brought to truth how and why Israel still matters to God and the nations. This class has a bedrock of references given in starting a conversation or speaking with those who do not share similar beliefs but may be persuaded.

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Israel Matters: A Theology of People and Land Fall 22

SB THEO 304 3 Credits

Course Instructor and Meeting Times:
Instructor: Gerald R. McDermott, Ph. D., TA: Scott EtkinThis course will be followed according to the student’s own time with a few pre-planned live sessions for any clarifications, questions & answers with Dr. McDermott according to the schedule below starting March 11th, 2024 for 11 sessions. 

Session # Date Time
1 Monday, March 11th 1800 - 1900 Israel Time
2 Monday, April 15th 1800 - 1900 Israel Time
3 Monday, June 17th 1800 - 1900 Israel Time

Course Summary Description:

Since the Holocaust, Christian theologians have come to realize that the Church made some serious mistakes in their understanding of Jesus and Israel—that Jesus and the apostles were far more Jewish than most had realized, and that Israel as a people and land have continuing significance for God’s work of redemption.

This course will be a study in biblical, historical, and systematic theology. But it is far more than academic. For those with ears to hear, it will help create and enlarge mountain-moving mustard seeds.

The course will explore the following questions. In the Bible, what was Israel’s role in Torah and the prophets? Where is Israel in the New Testament and early Christianity? Does the New Testament see a future for the Jews, even those who have not seen Yeshua as messiah? Did the NT authors see a role for the land of Israel in their day and the future? How did the Church understand these things in its last 2000 years—in its first three centuries, under Constantine, in the Middle Ages, the Reformation, and eighteenth through twentieth centuries? What significance does all of this have for Christian theology—its understanding of humanity and God, the history of redemption, prophecy, the Church, and the problem of evil?

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*Jerusalem Seminary (JS) courses are engagingly academic and taught by experts in their field living in Israel. While JS’ courses are not externally accredited, they can be taken for internal JS credit. Any internal JS credit will accrue and at a later time would hopefully, through articulation agreements and accreditation bodies, receive official accreditation; a process that JS has begun.

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