Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1) Fall 22 Class 2

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Andrea Ceming
Posted 2 years ago
Learning God's language

It is very amazing how much you can learn in such a short time. For me it was associated with a lot of stress and time pressure, also various fears. And yet I was never drained, but a joy always emerged, in God's language, in Hebrew. It was so palpable that God is working here. A very beautiful opportunity to learn biblical Hebrew, God's word.

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Tatjana Wagus
Posted 2 years ago
Lebendiger Unterricht

Auch ich bin erstaunt, dass wir nach nur 3 Monaten ohne Vorkenntnisse inzwischen in der Bibel lesen, kurze Geschichten schreiben, Lieder singen und Gebete sprechen und in das Wort Gottes in Seiner Sprache eintauchen können. Die Hausaufgaben waren manchmal etwas zu umfangreich und nicht alle Vokabeln aus dem Anki-Deck wurden angewendet, aber der Unterricht war lebendig und mitnehmend, großer Dank!

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Susanne Unger
Posted 2 years ago
Erstaunlich, was möglich ist

Danke sehr unserem Lehrerteam für die Möglichkeit in nur 3 Monaten das hebräische Basiswissen zu erlernen. Wirklich erstaunlich, dass ich ohne Vorkenntnisse, ohne großer Sprachbegabung und mit einigen Stunden Hausaufgabe/Woche, ein Hebräisches Lied singen kann, Bibelverse auswendig spreche und hebräisch Beten lernte und dass mit einer völlig neuen Schrift.

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Irene Hammann
Posted 2 years ago
Methoden sehr abwechslungsreich und farbig (Spielzeugtiere, Animationen)

1)Mix aus Bibelhören, Vokabeln lernen, Grammatik erklären und üben, Fragen stellen und beantworten im lebendigen Kontakt, abwechselnd Kleingruppen und alle zusammen: wunderschön 2)Lehrmaterial top: Vokalbelliste mit so vielen Informationen (einige Wörter fehlen leider) und Grammar summary unglaublich hilfreich. Konnte Taliah oft nicht verstehen; zu laut und verzerrt (Lautsprechereinstellung?)

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Frank Zeugfang
Posted 2 years ago
No worries, you won't get lost

Thanks, for being part of the 1st level of biblical hebrew at jerusalem seminary. I'm just thankful for the gentle entry, the kind, but personally demanding accompaniment, the learning materials, you provided and the never ending good feeling, being with you. To reach such a level of language in such a shortage of time seems to be a נפלאות. 🙂

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Birte Vehrs
Posted 2 years ago
Amazing and well worth it!

Within 3 months, I am able to read, speak and write simple conversations in Hebrew and understand some bible verses. I had not expected learning Hebrew to be such a lively experience. The teachers are all believers living in Israel and two even understand German. It is crucial to allow enough time for homework.

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Sabine Bendixen
Posted 2 years ago
Learning biblical Hebrew has brought me closer to God and Israel

I actually had no expectations at all but was open for what was to come. I liked a lot being with around our teachers, Talia, Nathanael, Sara, Daniel, Jochanan. It was a really good experience to be immersed in the language, in Gods scripture, in the culture of Israel and to feel the joy you have! You made it joyful and fun because the joy comes from your heart and that goes for all of you.

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Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1)

Speaking, Reading and Writing

SH BHLL 101 4 Credits*

Using the unique and cutting edge immersion method for Biblical Hebrew instruction, this course will sharpen and greatly expand the student’s ability to engage with the original Hebrew texts of the Bible. Taught by native Hebrew speaking Israelis that have graduated from Jerusalem Seminary’s School of Hebrew: Hebrew for the Nations teacher’s course, students will receive an holistic method, exposing them to language and culture simultaneously. These methods dramatically improve flow in the reading and translation of Biblical Hebrew.

Auditing of JS language classes is not possible as it demands full student participation and thus is the same amount of work for the instructors, but most School of the Bible courses can be audited.

Overview Syllabus – Biblical Hebrew as a Living Language (Level 1)

Course Instructors: Two certified JS School of Hebrew: Hebrew for the Nations Israeli teachers.

Class Times: The course meets live for two two-hour sessions a week (on Monday and Thursday) for 12 weeks, starting October 20th, 2022 through January 12th, 2023. The sessions will be recorded and made available in the days following the classes for those who cannot make the live sessions.
• Mondays & Thursdays: 18:15-20:25 Jerusalem Time (11:15-13:25 AM Eastern Time)

Course description: This Beginner’s Biblical Hebrew class is immersive and contextual: serious about learning the language but in an enjoyable way. Learn to speak, read and write Biblical Hebrew! Key verses and phrases from the Hebrew Bible will be our guide.

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and use the most common vocabulary in the Hebrew Bible in various contexts and forms.
  • Identify basic linguistic structures, including noun and adjective endings, verb roots, conjugations, and parts of speech.
  • Communicate simple thoughts and ideas, describe scenes, and ask comprehension questions, all in basic spoken Biblical Hebrew.
  • Recite several verses from the Hebrew Bible from memory (e.g. Psalm 117) and know a few common Hebrew blessings.
  • Know Hebrew songs based on Biblical Hebrew.
  • Know (in Hebrew!) basic regions, cities, and land features of the Hebrew Bible that provide crucial tacit information for the reader of the Tanakh.

Requirements: Attendance of the course sessions and timely completion of assignments and quizzes.

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*Jerusalem Seminary (JS) courses are engagingly academic and taught by experts in their field living in Israel. While JS’ courses are not externally accredited, they can be taken for internal JS credit. Any internal JS credit will accrue and at a later time would hopefully, through articulation agreements and accreditation bodies, receive official accreditation; a process that JS has begun.

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